Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Pluralist Question

How much of a pluralist am i?

I believe I am a bit of a pluralist. This is because i feel that although the ruling classes may choose what we see, ultimately we still decide what we want to see/hear/read because it is upto them to cater to our needs in order to make their business successful. I do also think that although we ultimately choose what we see/hear/read, the versions of these are dumbed down in order for the ruling classes to keep some sort of control. I personally though challenge alot i see or hear and enjoy a range of different media texts. I also believe i am an active audience member and can reject to accept a certain media text as i feel my opinion is not influenced by things that happen in the media.

Marxist Question

How much of a marxist am i?

I believe in the marxist ideology that the ruling classes dominate and that their ideologies are put through the media, but i do not believe it at the same time because I feel all audiences are active, but rather choose not to oppose rather than anything. I personally feel I am an active audience member and i do not feel that ruling classes dominate the way i think. I also feel most other audience members are active but are too lazy to oppose what they see and hear. They may argue and think that something is wrong, but will not physically oppose anything as they are to lazy to. I do also believe that audiences are being dumbed down by the sort of shows they put on tv. I find it very questionable sometimes as to how people can enjoy things such as big brother, as they are only taking pleasure from other peoples pain. Although these people choose to put themselves out there, I think about why people still take pleasure in seeing other peoples lives being shattered or so. This could have been an ideology that has been filtered through already and therefore I do believe marxism exists hugely, but again, I personally feel I am not heavily affected by what i see in the media.

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Over its many years and spheres of operation, News Corporation has attracted a number of allegations:
The Chris Patten Book – Chris Patten was a British politician who became the governor of Hong Kong just prior to its handover to China. A biography of Chris Patten was due to be published by Collins (part of News Corporation) but it was dropped. It was alleged that the reasoning behind the drop was due to the fact that it was critical of China's human rights. News Corporation was, at the time, trying to complete a deal regarding Star TV.
Media Monopoly - News Corporation is often accused of using the combined power of its consolidated media assets to push out rivals and push towards a media monopoly. An example of an accusation would be News Corporation's attempt to buy the football club Manchester United. In 1998 News Corp bid GB£623.4 million for the UK-based football club. Its fans were outraged and raised the question of an encroaching monopoly, as News Corporation owned the rights to broadcast all Premier League matches, of which Manchester United was one. It was alleged that by controlling Manchester United, News Corporation could influence the decisions about the selling of the rights to broadcast all Premier League matches.
Political Bias - Rupert Murdoch and Fox News have often been accused by media observers and the public of flagrant conservative bias. Attention is most often drawn to Fox News' coverage of the buildup to the Iraq invasion, which portrayed Saddam Hussein's possession of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' as a certainty, and his intention to use them as an inevitability. Coverage of the ensuing invasion barely mentioned opposition to the war either in America or Iraq. Further, Fox News and Rupert Murdoch periodically dispute these allegations of conservative bias. Many examples detailing this can be found in the documentary "OutFoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" released in 2004.

In August 2005 the Murdoch family owned only about 29% of the company. However, nearly all of these shares were voting shares, and Rupert Murdoch retained effective control of the company.

Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox Television Stations

Fox Broadcasting Company

Fox Television Stations

* WNYW - New York City
* WWOR - New York City
* KTTV - Los Angeles
* KCOP - Los Angeles
* WFLD - Chicago
* WPWR - Chicago
* KMSP - Minneapolis
* WFTC - Minneapolis
* WTXF - Philadelphia
* WFXT - Boston
* WTTG - Washington D.C.
* WDCA - Washington D.C.
* KDFW - Dallas
* KDFI - Dallas
* WJBK - Detroit
* KUTP - Phoenix
* KSAZ - Phoenix
* WUTB - Baltimore
* WRBW - Orlando
* WOFL - Orlando
* WOGX - Ocala
* WAGA - Atlanta
* KRIV - Houston
* KTXH - Houston
* WJW - Cleveland
* WTVT - Tampa
* KDVR - Denver
* KTVI - St. Louis
* WITI - Milwaukee
* WDAF - Kansas City
* KSTU - Salt Lake City
* WHBQ - Memphis
* WGHP - Greensboro
* WBRC - Birmingham
* KTBC – Austin

DBS & Cable
* BSkyB
* Star
* DirecTV
* Sky Italia
* Fox News Channel
* Fox Movie Channel
* FX
* National Geographic Channel
* SPEED Channel
* Fox Sports Net
* National Advertising Partners
* Fox College Sports
* Fox Soccer Channel
* Stats, Inc.

* 20th Century Fox
* Fox Searchlight Pictures
* Fox Television Studios
* Blue Sky Studios

United States
* New York Post

United Kingdom
* News International
* News of the World
* The Sun
* The Sunday Times
* The Times

* Daily Telegraph
* Fiji Times
* Gold Coast Bulletin
* Herald Sun
* Newsphotos
* Newspix
* Newstext
* NT News
* Post-Courier
* Sunday Herald Sun
* Sunday Mail
* Sunday Tasmanian
* Sunday Territorian
* Sunday Times
* The Advertiser
* The Australian
* The Courier-Mail
* The Mercury
* The Sunday Telegraph
* Weekly Times

* InsideOut
* Big League
* donna hay
* SmartSource
* The Weekly Standard
* TV Guide (partial)

HarperMorrow Publishers
* General Books Group
o Access
o Amistad
o Caedmon
o Avon
o Ecco
o Eos
o Fourth Estate
o HarperAudio
o HarperBusiness
o HarperCollins
o Harper Design International
o HarperEntertainment
o HarperLargePrint
o HarperResource
o HarperSanFrancisco
o HarperTorch
o Perennial
o PerfectBound
o Quill
o Rayo
o William Morrow
o William Morrow Cookbooks
* Children's Books Group
o Avon
o Greenwillow Books
o Joanna Cotler Books
o Eos
o Laura Geringer Books
o HarperAudio
o HarperCollins Children's Books
o HarperFestival
o HarperTempest
o Katherine Tegen Books
o Trophy
o Zondervan
* HarperCollins UK
* HarperCollins Canada
* HarperCollins Australia

* Los Angeles Kings (NHL, 40% option)
* Los Angeles Lakers (NBA, 9.8% option)
* Staples Center (40% owned by Fox/Liberty)
* Fox Interactive Media
* MySpace
* IGN Entertainment
* RottenTomatoes* Scout* WhatIfSports
* kSolo*
* SpringWidgets
* Milkround
* National Rugby League
* News Digital Media
* News Outdoor
* Fox Sports Radio Network
* Broadsystem,,2186259,00.html


Rupert Murdoch has not yet completely taken over Wall Street Journal, but he has taken full control and authority over the financial newspaper section. He also intends to takeover Dow Jones . Rupert Murdoch already owns alot of the media and if he completes this takeover of Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones he will undoubtedly heighten his position of superiority. Dow Jones is well known as one of the companies in the U.S which people buy alot of shares for. If Rupert Murdoch can take control of this part of the market also, he can really dominate his power further. As he already owns Sky, alot of his viewpoints and ideologies maybe portrayed through some of the programs he decides to put on. The way Rupert Murdoch is currently dominating alot of markets, can lead many to believe that eventually he could potentially own all popular aspects of many markets and can lead the way to a hegemonic society.