Thursday, 6 December 2007

Blumler and Katz - How it applies to me

Diversion - a route of escapism from reality
I watch films as a form of diversion. When I need to just relax and kick back, I watch films of all kinds. Or I surf the internet and do things such as reading interesting articles or watching videos on youtube!! also my playstation is my best form of escapism. Pro evo !!!
Personal relationship - the audience uses the media for predominantly emotional interaction
I don't think I do this at all as I do not emotionally interract with people on shows. I don't think what we see on tv is real at all and therefore I tend not to do this.
Personal Identity - constructing individual identity and characteristics from characters in the media
This I feel happens all the time, even from things such as watching sports! Someone I admire alot, is Ryan Giggs. He is a footballer who has an immense record to boast, yet he does not and remains humble in all senses. That is a personality trait that I personally would like to adopt as I feel it is one that it is important and also helps you gain the respect of others. Mainly though I don't construct my personal identity through the media, but I tend to do it in other ways. I have people that I admite and look upto who are not in the media.
Surveillance - informational programmes, such as the news…
News only!!!

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